Easyfundraising - an Easy Way to Support the Lambs
Thu 2 Feb 2023 - 11:59PM
Easyfundraising - The Easy way to Support the Lambs
An easy way to support the Lambs raise money for the squad is to direct your online shopping via https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/ The good news is that it does not cost you a penny, but the club receives a percentage of the costs of your shopping from the companies directly. For example when you shop online and go via the https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/ link, you can use your favourite online stores such as M&S, Just Eat, Tesco, Booking.com, Curry’s, Amazon, etc and the cost of your shop is exactly the same as if you went to their website directly. Why not have a look at the site and see which shops will support the Lambs if you register Tamworth FC as the cause you want to support?
This initiative is managed by Team Builder, so if you require more information, contact one of the committee members.