FC Halifax Town
Thu 18 Feb 2021 - 6:17PM
Tamworthfc.co.uk caught up with Chairman Bob Andrews to find out how Covid is impacting the club and the implications of the pandemic for the future. In a wide-ranging interview Bob answered a number of questions from how the club is functioning at the moment, when football might return, news for season ticket holders and the impact on the finances for the playing budget next season.
TFC.co.uk ‘Bob thanks for taking the time to chat to us. What is it like for the Club Chairman and the Board without any football to look forward to?’
BA ‘It is very frustrating, and it is difficult to find words to say how disappointed we are without any football to look forward to on match days. It impacts on our weekly and daily lives, especially as there is currently no news on where we are going as a league.’
TFC.co.uk ‘What was Tamworth’s response to the FA survey that went out in January asking for clubs opinions about the future of the season?’
BA‘ We said that we can’t go forward and play games without fans in the ground or other ways in which we can create income. It’s not just about match days, but other ways in which we can use the facilities to generate income such as ground hire. It is just not feasible. We can’t pay wages to our players without income or sponsorship. For example, we were so grateful to the Team Builder Committee for helping support our costs in the FA Trophy game at Royston. Many clubs are in the same boat and without any money from the FA or League it is difficult to survive. If what we know now had been known when football recommenced, then it would not have been worth playing the few games that we have. I really feel sorry for some of the older players who are coming to the end of their careers who have missed out on two complete seasons. It may be difficult for some of them to pick up where they were in levels of fitness without the intensity of regular training and game time.’
TFC.co.uk ‘What are your expectations of when football will return. I presume that you think there is no hope until July?’
BA ‘To be honest I can’t see any football returning for the first team until we start pre-season in June or July. It will be great to get 6 – 8 weeks of training and pre-season friendlies in, with the league commencing in early August. We want and are desperate to see our fans back in the ground and we want them to see games without any restrictions on numbers. It may be that we have our Scholars returning before then as the Government allows education to recommence and they may be allowed to play games. Currently all their learning is taking place on line like the schools and this is not ideal for them or their teachers. In addition, the Women might be allowed to play games as there are fewer teams in their league, but again they will need several weeks to train to get back up to match fitness. But we don’t know, and we will have to see what the powers that be say. There hasn’t been any information received from our league yet as they tend to wait to see what the National League decides, and they are in a difficult place as their money has run out and games are being cancelled. It is a difficult time for everybody.’