
20211112 - Team Builder Enjoy Successful AGM
Fri 12 Nov 2021 - 10:00AM
Our Mission statement
Teambuilder was created to provide the first team management of Tamworth FC with additional funds to further develop the playing squad, separate to the clubs agreed playing budget and we would like to thank everyone who has supported us throughout the season
Our Aim
To encourage financial support from individuals, families, companies, sponsorship or any other groups. Anyone and everyone can contribute as much or as little as they are able either by regular monthly payments (e.g. in multiples of £10.00) or via other fundraising activities.
Donations or regular payments can be made in the following ways
By standing order via your bank (preferred method)
By Private donations - by cash or cheque.
All monies are overseen by a committee of six members who have the final decision on the release of any money to Tamworth Football Club.
Benefits of membership
If being part of the success of the team isn't enough (!), regular donators get the following benefits
- Entry into a Monthly Draw to be part of the VIP experience on a matchday (donated by Andy Farrington)
- 10% off items in the Tamworth FC club shop
- Entry into a draw to win a signed Tamworth FC shirt at the end of the season
General Information
The committee will meet once a month, with an AGM held during each season.
During 2022 a number of bucket collections were held, these together with regular donations and the successful Legends game have put Teambuilder in a strong position to help our first team.
Ahead of the 2022/23 season we assisted the club in signings fo George Cater and Dan Creaney and helped bring Jamie Willets to The Lamb in February 2023 with hopefully more to follow.
The committee would like to put on record our thanks to all who help or contribute towards Teambuilder.
Paul HOROBIN – Chairman
Kevin HARVEY- Secretary - kevin.tfcteambuilder@gmail.com
Matt KIRBY – Treasurer
Jeremy PEARCE - QGM - 07773 573 226
Please contact us at a match or via e-mail / phone